Safety Statement
The Board of Management of Swords Educate Together National School recognizes the importance of the legislation enacted in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 1989.
The Safety Statement sets out the Safety Policy of the Board of Management of Swords Educate Together National School and sets out the means to achieve that policy. The Board of Management’s objective is to endeavor to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all our employees and pupils and to meet our duties to members of the public with whom we come in contact.
The policy requires the co-operation of all employees of the school.
It is our intention to undertake regular reviews of the statement in light of experience, changes in legal requirements and operational changes.
The Board of Management will undertake to carry out a safety audit annually and report to staff. This inspection/safety audit will be carried out more frequently if requested by either staff or the Board of Management.
All records of accidents or ill-health will be monitored in order to ensure that any safety measures required can be put in place, wherever possible, to minimize the recurrence of such accidents and ill-health.
1.1 The members of the Board of Management of Swords Educate Together National School are:
Chairperson, Pat McNally
Secretary, Mary Lynch
Treasurer, Michael Delaney
Principal, Gerard Kelly
Other Board Members, Laura Stobie, Sophie Byrne, Mark Fagan, Sean Dolphin.
1.2 The Board of Management will ensure that, in so far as is practicable, the highest standard of safety shall prevail and that, at a minimum, the provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 1989 are applied and adhered to.
1.3 Specifically, the Board of Management wishes to ensure in so far as is reasonably practicable:
(a) The design, provision and maintenance of all places in a condition that is safe and without risk to health.
(b) The design, provision and maintenance of safe means of access to and egress from places of work.
(c) The design, provision and maintenance of plant, machinery and equipment.
(d) The provision of systems of work that are planned, organized, performed and maintained so as to be safe and without risk to health.
(e) The provision of instruction to staff on dealing with pupils challenging behaviour and arrangements will be made to ensure the protection of staff from violent and disturbed children when necessary. (Refer to Positive Behaviour Policy).
(f) The provision of information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure safety and health at work of its employees.
(g) The provision and maintenance of suitable protective clothing or equivalent as necessary to ensure the safety and health at work of its employees.
(h) The preparation, revision as necessary and communication of adequate plans to be followed in emergencies, e.g. fire drill, injuries, etc.
(i) The safety and prevention of risk to health at work in connection with use of any article or substance.
(j) The provision and maintenance of facilities and arrangements for the welfare of employees at work.
(k) Obtaining where necessary, the services of competent persons for the purpose of ensuring the safety and health at work of its employees.
(l) The continuing updating of the Safety Statement.
(m) The provision of arrangements for consultation with employees on matters of Health and Safety.
(n) The provision of arrangements for the selection from amongst its employees of a safety representative.
1.4 The Board of Management recognizes that its statutory obligations under legislation extend to employees, students, any person legitimately conducting school business and the public.
1.5 The Principal ____________________ is the Safety Officer and ____________________ is the current Safety Representative (dated: ____________ ). They should be consulted if any of the employees have queries regarding any of the safety provisions mentioned in this statement.
1. It is the duty of every employee while at work
(a) to take reasonable care for his/her own safety, health and welfare and that of any person who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions while at work.
(b) To co-operate with his/her employer and any other person to such extent as will enable his/her employer or the other person to comply with any of the relevant statutory provisions.
(c) to use in such manner as to provide the protection intended, any suitable appliance, protective clothing, convenience, equipment or anything provided (whether for his/her use alone or for use by him/her in common with others) for securing his/her safety, health or welfare while at work.
(d) to report to the Board of Management without unreasonable delay, any defects in plant, equipment, place of work, or system of work, which might endanger safety, health or welfare, of which he/she becomes aware?
2. No person will intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse any appliance, protective clothing, convenience, equipment or anything provided in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions or otherwise, for securing safety, health or welfare of persons arising out of work activities.
3. Employees will, by using available facilities and equipment provided, ensure that work practices are performed in the safest manner possible.
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Swords Educate Together National School
* to consult with staff in the preparation and completion of the Health and Safety Statement.
* to issue a copy of the Safety Statement to all present and future staff, all members of the Board of Management (and any subsequent revised copies).
* that any additional information or instructions regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at work, not contained in the document will be conveyed to all staff as it becomes available.
* that Health, Safety and Welfare will form an integral part of any future staff training and development plans.
These are divided into two categories
a. Hazards that are reported and can be rectified will be dealt with as a matter of urgency.
b. Hazards that cannot be rectified will be clearly indicated and appropriate procedures listed beside them.
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Swords Educate
Together National School that:
* There is an adequate supply of fire extinguishers which will deal with any type of fire.
* All fire equipment is identified and regularly checked.
* Fire drills take place at least once per term.
* Instruction is given in the use of fire extinguishers for specific materials/equipment.
* Fire alarms are clearly marked.
* Signs will be clearly visible to ensure visitors are aware of exit doors.
* All electrical equipment will be unplugged or turned off outside office hours and when offices are vacated for lengthy periods.
* An assembly area is designated in the yard.
* Exit signs are clearly marked.
* All bottled gas is stored outdoors, away from the main building.
* There will be a named person responsible for fire drills and evacuation procedures.
* The school and equipment have been checked by a Fire Officer and all recommendations made by him/her have been implemented.
Machinery, Kitchen Equipment and Electrical Appliances
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Swords Educate
Together National School that machinery, kitchen equipment and
electrical appliances are used only by competent persons. Such
appliances and equipment will be subject to regular maintenance
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Swords Educate
Together National School that all chemicals, detergents, etc. be
stored in clearly identifiable containers bearing instructions and
precautions for their use and kept in a locked area and protection
provided for use when handling them. Chemicals should never be
stored near a boiler.
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Swords Educate
Together National School that all medications, drugs, etc. be kept in
a proper medication cabinet, locked at all times to which the
key is kept in a secure and safe place. (Refer to document –
Administration of Medicines Policy).
First Aid
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Swords Educate
Together National School that an employee or employees will be
trained to apply first aid.
All required remedies and equipment are made available for First
Aid. There will be a First Aid Box available at all times. The
procedures to be followed in administering First Aid are those
recommended in the ‘First Aid Index Chart’ issued by the Health
Promotion Unit of the Department of Health & Children.
When an accident occurs, a full account of what happened and
Symptoms of distress noticed should be entered in the Accident
Book. Procedures followed should also be entered.
Highly Polished or Wet Floors
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Swords Educate
Together National School that
– Floors will not be polished to a dangerous level or made slippy.
– Washing of floors is conducted after school hours to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, elimination
of danger of slipping. To this end warning signs
regarding wet floors will be used.
Code of Discipline
The Code of Discipline in the school provides for a level of behavior to minimize personal risk or stress to any employee.
Access to Employees is by consent
When the employee feels at risk from or threatened by a particular person on school property this must be drawn to the Board of Managements attention. The Board of Management will undertake to ensure that in such circumstances all appropriate measures will be taken to protect employees. (Refer to Anti-bullying policy).
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Swords Educate Together National School that:
– the school is properly maintained.
– dampness is minimized.
– draughts are minimized.
– the roof is properly maintained.
– school furniture is safe.
– carpets are fitted properly.
– school bags are stored under tables or on the backs of chairs.
– coats are hung on coat hooks.
– all electrical fittings are properly fitted and safe.
– adequate lighting exists in all internal areas and there are external lights over the exit.
– proper ventilation exists.
– doors leading to toilet areas and all exit doors are properly sprung and are not allowed to swing freely.
– the floors in hallways, passageway and toilets are kept dry.
– mats are not positioned in a hazardous way.
– rubbish is not allowed to accumulate.
– all individual classrooms are safe and healthy places.
– the children are not allowed in the yard when it is flooded or when there is ice on the ground or when the surface is slippery as a result of frost.
– children must wear shoes at all times.
– toilet paper, soap and clean towels are provided in each toilet.
Accident/Incident Reporting
All potential serious accidents, whether involving employees, pupils
or members of the public must be reported immediately to the
Principal. An Accident Report Book will be retained for the
recording of all such accidents.
All persons coming onto the school premises must identify themselves
clearly to the Secretary/Principal/Designated person before gaining
access to a child/pupil.
Concluding Comment
This Safety Statement has been prepared based on conditions
existing on the premises of the school at the time of writing. It may
be altered, revised or updated at a future date as to comply with any
change in conditions.