Policy on Promoting a Multi-Cultural School 

In keeping with the ethos of our school every effort will be made to make our school and classrooms inclusive and welcoming to every pupil and their families. In recognition of this aim the following decisions have been made. 
The Lobby will tangibly and visibly reflect the ethos of our school through mounted flags, posters and displays. 
Every family will be invited to complete a form outlining their family’s country of origin and other culturally related information. 
A map of the world will be displayed in the school showing the different countries represented in our school community. 
Simple phrases such as ‘welcome’ or ‘hello’ will be displayed in different languages at the main door. 
A Home Corner/Multi-Cultural exhibition in our foyer will exhibit memorabilia from children’s home country. 
Teachers will undertake one piece of work each term to reflect a different culture (This may be in one or more Curricular areas e.g. Music, Art, English etc). 
The school will organise an annual Multi-Cultural event. 
In support of our Policy on Parental Involvement, Parents/Guardians will be invited/encouraged to contribute to the school’s multi-cultural ethos. We encourage Parents/Guardians to approach us with suggestions for Parental involvement. 
The school will endeavour, at all times, to celebrate its richness of diversity. As a cornerstone of our unique ethos, both the ‘taught’ and ‘hidden’ curriculum of our school will communicate our motto: All Different, All Equal.