Mobile Phone Policy
1. Staff
It is school policy that all mobile phones should be switched off or in silent mode during class/pupil contact time/official working hours.
In exceptional circumstances, staff members may wish/need to use their mobile phones. It is imperative that they seek the Principal’s approval before doing this.
2. Pupils
(a) Mobile phones must be switched off during the school day, while children are in the school building/on the school grounds. Pupils are not permitted to speak on their phones or send text messages during the school day or on the school grounds.
(b) Mobile phones should be carried in school bags only and should not be visible at any time during the school day. This also applies to school excursions/tours/trips.
(c) Parents/Guardians are asked to communicate changes in drop-off/pick up arrangements directly by telephone message to the school office or by note to the class teacher. Mobile phones should not be used for this purpose.
Failure to comply with (a), (b) or (c) above will result in the mobile phone being switched off, confiscated, and stored in the Principal’s office. Parents/Guardians will be informed of this by phone. The Mobile phone will be returned to the pupil the following day or on the day of confiscation, if requested and in agreement with the Parent/Guardian to review the school’s Mobile Phone Policy with their child.