Homework Policy
Why Homework?
To provide a link between home and school.
To help the child develop the habit of independent study and a strong work ethic.
To encourage the child to organise and use free time.
To consolidate, reinforce and extend the work being done in school.
To promote, encourage and value parental involvement.
How Often?
Homework is given on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Homework is not given on Fridays. There are, however, two exceptions to this:
If homework has been neglected during the week or if the homework presented is not satisfactory, the pupil may be asked to complete the unfinished work at the weekend. This will be communicated in writing to the child’s parents in the homework journal.
v In Senior Classes children may be asked to undertake some research/project work at the weekend.
(c) From time to time children will be given a night off homework as a treat, reward or to mark a special occasion. This will be at the discretion of the class teacher and in consultation with the Principal.
(d) It is school policy not to allocate or prepare homework for children who are on holiday during school time. Parents/Guardians of children who are sick for an extended period/hospitalized should talk with the class teacher.
What Homework?
Ideally Homework will contain a balance between reading, written and learning tasks. This balance may vary considerably from day to day. Homework will regularly contain reading, drawing and colouring, spellings, tables, writing/handwriting, committing to memory, information gathering and research.
Written workWritten work should be presented in a neat and careful manner, with attention to handwriting, margins, numbering, punctuation and underlining. Written homework will often involve finishing work which has been started in class. Where workbooks are being used, we would ask parents/guardians to sign the finished work.
Oral WorkFrom First Class onwards, homework will involve learning spellings, tables and pieces to be learnt off-by-heart. Parents can help here by ensuring that this work is well done.
ReadingIt is important to note that reading is just as important a component of homework as writing and learning-off. It should be an enjoyable experience for the child. We would encourage parents to listen to their child as they read aloud to encourage fluency. Asking questions about the text will develop understanding and comprehension.
How much Homework?
Some children will take longer than others to complete the same homework. Time spent on homework can vary from day to day and from week to week. It is important to note that it is the quality of the homework that matters rather than the quantity.
The following are guidelines for time spent on completing homework
Junior Infants/Senior Infants: up to 20 minutes
First/Second Class: up to 30 minutes
Third/Fourth Class: up to 45 minutes
Fifth/Sixth Class: up to 1hr.
When Parents are satisfied that the recommended time has been spent (i.e. quality time without interruption) the homework and/or journal should be signed.
How can Parents help:
From First Class onwards homework journals will be used. All allocated homework will be recorded there. Children should tick each item as it has been completed.
In Junior and Senior Infants, where homework journals will not be used, information about Homework will be communicated to parents on the Parents Evening in September and by the class teacher throughout the year. Also, Parents of children in Infant Classes should check their child’s schoolbag regularly. Any allocated homework (i.e. reading or written work) will be dated and initialled by the class teacher.
Parents can see that children begin homework early in the evening and as soon as possible after coming home from school. Homework should not be left until the following morning.
The child should be sitting comfortably at a table and in a room where there are few distractions as i.e. from TV or other children.
Parents can encourage their children to keep books and copies as neat and clean as possible.
If the child is working independently, try to be available to help where necessary. Check the work being done and praise at every opportunity.
Be patient. Signs of impatience and annoyance will only have a negative effect.
Homework is meant to be achievable by the child and it is normally based on the work being done in school. The teacher prepares all homework. Parents should help only where the child is experiencing difficulty. However, if your child is persistently having problems with homework, or is taking overlong to complete allocated tasks we would ask you to contact the class teacher to discuss the difficulties.
Parents should not do homework for their children
If, on occasion, the homework cannot be either done or completed, please let the teacher know via a note in the homework journal.
Children are expected to do their homework to the best of their own individual ability.
Parents should sign the homework journal nightly to confirm that homework has been completed.
Parents should check the Parent/Teacher communication in their child’s journal regularly.
Follow Up
Teachers like to check homework daily. However, due to large class sizes, this may not always be possible.
At times, as the children progress through the school, pupils may check their own homework. This would always be done under the teacher’s direction.
Ratified: June 16th, 2003