Attendance Policy 

In accordance with the provisions of the Education Welfare Act 2000 we entrust to parents that they will be informed and assisted in relation to any attendance matters. The Board of Management and the Principal, will be happy to clarify any further matters arising from this policy. All sections of the Act are now commenced. 
The Board of Management of Educate Together National School recognizes the clear and direct relationship between high and regular school attendance and pupil progress. The Board also recognizes that high and regular attendance engenders a positive attitude to school and learning. 
In light of the fact that absenteeism is often a complex matter, the Board of Management, from the beginning, views each child in the context of his/her family and a holistic approach to improving attendance will be followed. The Board supports the following: 
* On enrolment, all Parents/Guardians will be informed of the requirements of the Education Welfare Act 2000 and the school’s obligations under this act. 
* All Parents/Guardians will be shown this policy and invited to take a copy. 
* The Board of Management, on the Board’s initiation, will work collaboratively with the PTA will a view to improving pupil attendance. 
* All pupil absence must be explained by a Parent’s/Guardian’s written note on pupil’s return to school. This note should be dated, signed and contain a clear explanation for the pupil’s absence. If the pupil required medical attention during his/her absence a doctor’s certificate should be included. When such a note/certificate is not forthcoming, the class teacher will insert a standard school absence note in the pupils file. 
* The Principal’s Friday News will regularly remind Parents/Guardians of the importance of regular school attendance and the Board’s obligations. 
* When a pupil has accumulated 10 absences in any one school year, a standard letter informing the pupil’s Parents/Guardians will be issued. This letter will restate the school’s obligation to inform the NEWB of all pupils who accumulate an aggregate of 20 school days in any one school year. 
* When a pupil has accumulate an aggregate of 20 school days in any one school year, this information will be forwarded to the NEWB, Premier Business Centre, 11-15 Tara Street, Dublin 2 (CEO, Mr. Eddie Ward). Copies of all correspondence with the NEWB will be kept in the office filing cabinet. 
* The Principal will have responsibility for all communications with Parents/Guardians re: attendance. 
* The Principal will prepare a report on attendance for the Board of Management on a term basis or as the need arises. An end of year report, all pupil names withheld, will also be also be made available to the PTA.