Global Citizenship - Litter & Waste 
As part of our work towards our sixth green flag for 'Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste', we are conducting a Global Awareness Survey, open to all members of the school community, big and small, old and young. Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey! 
(above) Green Teams from SETNS and Gaelscoil Bhrian Bóroimhe during our inter-schools meeting today (Friday 22/11/24) 
Monday 25th November: Clean Air Week  
We're delighted to announce that we will be teaming up with our neighbours at Gaelscoil Bhrian Bóroimhe next week for Clean Air Week (Or as the crow says, CAW!). You'll see members of our Green Teams in the morning and the afternoon checking in to see how many vehicles are idling during pick-up and drop-off. If your car is stopped for more than a 'drop and go' then please remember to turn off your engine (if you have one!) to keep our air clean. To learn more about Clean Air Week, visit Green Schools' Clean Air Week Website here.  
Wednesday 13th November: WEEE Recycling Collection Day 
Thanks to our recycling partners Recycle IT for helping us out with our Autumn / Winter clearout!  
Bring along anything that uses a battery or a plug, and leave it in the designated area outside the foyer between 8am and 10am on Wednesday 13 Nov. For a full list of what can and cannot be recycled, please see Recycle IT's website. 
Remember that as a Green School, we always try to reduce and reuse before recycling. If you have a household electrical item that you no longer use but that is still working, please consider donating it or giving it to a friend. Only items which no longer work should be recycled. 
Green Team 2024 - Terrific Term One Update! 
This year, our Green Team has been very busy indeed! Here's a summary of what's gone on so far this year!  
Early September:  
Whole-School elections were held for our new Green Team. The team consists of eight children, one from each class from 3rd-6th. They each have a 'buddy class' in the junior end of the school, so that they can share all updates from our meetings with them. 
23 Sep: Our first meeting with the new Green Team! What we covered: 
We discussed the aims of our Green Team (see more information on this below!) 
We went into great detail on how we could maintain our Litter & Waste flag in the school 
We designed and completed school-wide lunchbox surveys, seeing a reduction of over 100 pieces of disposable wrappings in just one week - well done everybody! 
We organised a competition between classes to see who could reduce their lunch waste the most - congratulations to Helena's first class who won themselves a playground pass! 
7 Oct: During our second meeting, we discussed what had been achieved since our first meeting, as well as discussing ways to maintain our second Green Flag: Energy. Since then, we've seen a wonderful reduction in the use of lights and other electrical items when not in use, which all helps to lower our carbon footprint, not to mention lowering our school bills! We also launched 'Fresh Air Fridays' in the school, where each class marks off their 'clean transport' on a chart, with fantastic prizes to be won once the chart is completed!  
14 Oct: Thanks to the Board of Management for their support on this one - we have reduced our dependence on blue hand towels massively, thanks to the introduction of washable individual hand towels - one per child! So far, our wonderful team of cleaners have reported that the 'blue towel' bins have reduced from around 3 full black bags per day to less than one black bag - well done everybody!  
21 Oct: During our last Green Team meeting before the break, we took a moment to celebrate the achievements of the school, especially on our Litter & Waste and Energy flags. Watch this space next term as we kick off with our next flag: Travel!  
Say hello to our new Green Team for 2024/25 below! Some of these children are full-time Green Team, and others are substitutes. Don't worry if you were out on this day, we will be updating this page regularly with photos of our wonderful work!  

Green Team 2024/25 

Green Team 
Green Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and awards programme, working with schools across the country. 
Our Green Team at SETNS comprises a group of 16 children from junior infants up to sixth class, split into a ‘Junior Green Team’ (JI-2nd) who have a mainly in-class role of sharing updates with their class, and a ‘Senior Green Team’ (3rd-6th) who meet on a regular basis. 
The aim of our Green Team is to discuss and implement ways that we can maintain our five green flags (below) and continue to reach towards our sixth green flag of ‘Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste’. 
The five Green Flags currently held by SETNS are: 
Litter and Waste: Simple Wrappings on Really Delicious Sandwiches 
Energy: Save Energy Today Never Stop! 
Water: We Are Trying To Save Every Raindrop! 
Transport: Be Cool Walk to School - Less Cars More Handlebars! 
Biodiversity: Birds, Bugs, Bees is our Dream. 
In the academic year of 2023/24, our Green Team has been meeting regularly to maintain our current flags, with some examples below: 
Litter and Waste: Signage updated in classrooms and classes reminded by their green team inspectors to reduce, reuse and recycle using the correct bins 
Energy: Signage introduced to each classroom reminding children and adults to reduce their use by turning off electrical appliances when not in use 
Water: Signage introduced to classroom sinks as well as speakers from the Green Team reminding children and adults to reduce usage and use stoppers /basins when washing art supplies rather than letting water run down the drain 
Transport: Renewed reminders to all children to walk, cycle or scoot where it is safe and appropriate to do so 
Biodiversity: Promotion of biodiversity in our school garden by allowing verges to grow long and wild, and not clearing underneath hedgerows to allow habitat development. 
Beginning in September 2024, our Green Team will begin their work on our sixth flag: Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste. 
Global Citizenship – Litter and Waste is a maintenance theme which enables schools to discover how Green-Schools work has positively influenced people and environments worldwide while revising the previous Litter and Waste theme. Watch this space for more updates!